Michel Gho

  • Adresse Cassan, bâtiment C, étage 5, porte 512, 7 quai Saint Bernard, 75 252 PARIS CEDEX
  • Téléphone 01 44 27 22 49
  • Courriel


Name: Michel GHO
Birthdate & Birthplace: August 21th, 1958; Santiago (Chile)
Function : Directeur de Recherche (DR2) CNRS

Present situation:
Principal investigator of the team « Cycle et Détermination Cellulaires ».
IBPS - UMR 7622. Laboratoire de Biologie du Développement CNRS- UPMC.
Université Pierre et Marie Curie
9, Quai St. Bernard
75005 Paris, France

Laboratory website: http://gholab.snv.jussieu.fr/SiteGHO/Home_page_Gho_Lab.html

Phone: 33 (0)144272249
Fax: 33 (0)144273445
e-mail: Michel.Gho@upmc.fr


1976-1981BSc, Faculty of Sciences, University of Chile.
1981-1983MSc, Faculty of Sciences, University of Chile.
Thesis topic: Visual temporal frame and the cortical alpha-rhythm. Thesis Advisor: Dr. F. J . Varela.
1983-1989PhD thesis in Neuroscience. University Pierre et Marie Curie, France.
Thesis topic: Long-Lasting modification of the synaptic properties of rat hippocampal CA3 neurones after epileptiform activity. Thesis Advisor: Dr. Y Ben-Ari.
1989-1991Post-doctoral stage (Department of Genetics, University of Madison-Wisconsin, USA).

Research Experience

1981-1983Laboratory of Neurobiology (Drs. F. J. Varela and H. R. Maturana). Science Faculty, University of Chile
1983-1985Unit of Neuromuscular Physiology (Dr. A. Mallart). Gif-sur-Yvette.
1985-1989 Laboratory of Neurobiology and Developmental Physiopathology. (Dr. Y. Ben-Ari). Hôpital Port-Royal. Paris.
1989-1990 Laboratory of Genetics (Dr. Barry Ganetzky). University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison U.S.A.
1990-1991 Laboratory of Molecular Biology(Dr. Ching Kung). University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison, U.S.A
1991-1995 Laboratoire de Neurobiologie Cellulaire. C.N.R.S. Gif- sur-Yvette, France.
1995-2000 :Equipe ATIPE-URA 1857 (François Schweisguth). Institute Jacques Monod and Ecole Normale Supérieure. Paris, France.
2000-PI of research group « Cell cycle and cell determination». UMR 7622 Biologie du Développement. UPMC.

Main Publications

30 papers published in peer-reviewed journals.

Main administrative responsibilities

Member of committees for MCF recruitment at Université Paris VII (2015-2013)
Member of the AERES scientific committee for CBD (Toulouse) evaluation (2014)
Organizer of the "Séminaires du Mercredi", UMR 7622.

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