Nicolas Heck

  • Adresse Cassan, bâtiment A, étage 3, porte 321, case courrier 2, 7 quai Saint Bernard, 75 252 PARIS CEDEX
  • Téléphone 01 44 27 53 26
  • Courriel


Nicolas Heck (MCU-SU)

Lab. Neurosciences Paris-Seine


Team: Neuronal Signaling and Gene Regulations

Sorbonne Université, Paris


-2018: Habilitation for research supervision (HDR), Sorbonne Université.

-2003: PhD in Neuroscience, Université Louis Pasteur, Strabourg, France.

-1999: DEA in Neuroscience, Université Louis Pasteur, Strabourg, France.


-2007-present: Associate professor, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France

-2003-2007: Assistant professor, Physiology Institute, Lab. Prof. Heiko Luhmann, Mainz, Germany.

Teaching Activities/ PhD supervision

-Supervision of one PhD student

-192 h of teaching a year in Neuroscience, physiology and cell biology at Licence and Master levels.

-Teaching Bioethics and Philosophy of science to students at Licence and Master levels

-Since 2020, workshop on scientific integrity for PhD students in life science at Sorbonne Université.

Regular workshops on image analysis

Reviewing activities/Commissions of trust

-Associate editor at Frontiers in Neuroanatomy.

-Reviewer for Frontiers, Scientific reports, BMC bioinformatics among others

-Member of the pedagogical council of Licence in life science at Sorbonne Université.

-Regular member of selection committee for career advancement and awards at Sorbonne Université.


Development of an image analysis software, the DiAna plugin for ImageJ. The programmer engineer won the crystal prize of the CNRS.

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