Laser Microdissection

The platform is equipped with the automatic ArcturusXT™ Laser Capture Microdissection system. This system, which combines two IR and UV lasers, is composed of a Nikon TiE inverted fluorescence microscope which allows you to benefit from reference optics and the modularity of a motorized research microscope. The 337 nm wavelength pulsed ultraviolet (UV-A) laser has variable intensity and power to cut tissue. The 980 nm IR laser recovers the fragments of interest by transfer onto a heat-sensitive plastic film.

ArcturusXT™ Laser Capture Microdissection offers an automated approach to microdissection of single cells or multicellular structures from tissue sections, smears or cell cultures. The cut material is compatible for transcriptomic, proteomic and quantitative PCR analyses.

The laser microdissection platform is under the scientific responsibility of Charles Durand and under the technical responsibility of Pierre-Yves Canto.

It is possible to train a member of your team so that they can access the laser microdissector and process their samples on their own.

Contact :

This platform is part of the national laser microdissection network.


  • Arcturus laser microdissector with 2x, 10x, 20x, 40x and 60x objectives
  • A freezer at -80° C
  • A cryostat to cut cryopreserved tissues
  • A chemical hood for section staining
  • Consumables for cell recovery and RNA extraction
  • A PikoReal™ Q-PCR device for initial sample validation


Training in the use of the machine in autonomy, in fluorescence or in visible for histological sections or cells in culture.

Feasibility study of the experiment and management of the first manipulations.

Methodological development

Development with users of the best optimization of the desired experience.


Video MDL Laser