Brain-C Lab: Brain compensation dynamics in neurodegenerative diseases

We decipher molecular systems to re-instate brain resilience against neurodegenerative diseases at the right time in the right cells

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We are pleased to consider applications from prospective PhD students and postdocs


The Satellite meeting and General Assembly of the Special Interest Group 'EVINS' at ISEV2024 in Melbourne was a great success with activities and working groups acted for the next 2 years, including a plan for the 2nd International Conference on Extracellular Vesicles in Nervous Systems in 2025. Stay tuned at

Mobility: We are seeking for 1 early/mid-career French researcher (DR, CR, Pr, MCU, IR) with established expertise in extracellular vesicles to join us and develop research on this topic. Interested in this opportunity? Be in touch to learn more about our research in neurosciences.


The 1st conference on Extracellular Vesicles in Nervous Systems, a first-of-its-kind event organized by the Special Interest Group EViNS of ISEV, Rome, Italy, December 2023, was a great success and the first-in-a-series of high-profile conferences to be organized by EVINS! The SIG "EViNS" will have its General Assembly at ISEV2024 in Melbourne. Stay tuned to learn more about EVINS initiatives in 2024-2025:

2019: EMBO workshop on Network inference and Machine learning: are you interested to know about the ideas, data, and perspectives in the field shared during this workshop? Here's the public summary!
EMBO NIBD2019 public summary We plan for a second edition, stay tuned.

Our primary goal is to understand how the capacity of the brain cell systems to maintain function and resist neurodegenerative disease is regulated on molecular, cellular and inter-cellular levels, how this may fail to slow down the progression of neurodegenerative disease processes, and how these mechanisms may be re-instated for therapeutic purposes. We study these questions in Huntington's disease (HD), a genetic neurodegenerative disease for which well-characterized models and highly dimensional datasets are available across species, and in Alzheimer's disease (AD).

Our knowledge discovery model is based on the combined use of systems modeling, cell biology and clinical research.

To understand how neurodegenerative diseases and aging may work on a systems level, we developed BioGemix —a data integration framework based on innovative machine learning approaches for biological precision in the analysis of dimensional data— and we use it for basic research and clinical discovery purposes.

Experimental biology involves cellular models such as human iPSC-derived cells, and C. elegans genetics.

We access human disease cohort data through our network of collaborators.

We work with the European HD Network (EHDN), APHP, the Gerontopole Ile-de-France, Paris Region initiatives, Sorbonne Université, CNRS, INSERM and patient associations.

We promote a strategic model based on a multi-disciplinary and trans-sectorial approach to address the following questions:

  • What are the most important compensatory mechanisms that are lost in the course of neurodegenerative disease processes? How to re-instate these mechanisms to prolonge compensation and delay the progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as HD and AD?
  • What are the factors allowing to predict the individual capacity for biological resilience in neurodegenerative disease and age-related stress? Along these lines, what are the molecular diagnosis and precision medicine markers allowing to predict the most likely course of neurodegenerative disease progression rate?



Brain-C Lab Huntington disease (HD) knowledge base:

HD research resources:

Associations and research networks:

Association Huntington France:

Association France Alzheimer:


French Society of Extracellular Vesicles (FSEV):

International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) & Special Interest Group "Extracellular vesicles in Nervous Systems (EViNS):