Image Analysis


The offer, accessible by online reservation, is aimed at all research players (IBPS, P6 campus, public research organizations, private companies).

- ZEISS 980 FAST-Airyscan II upright microscope coupled to FLIM Becker&Hickl

- ZEISS 980 FAST AIryscan II inverted coupled to FLIM Becker&Hickl

- Upright confocal microscope Leica TCS SP5 AOBS 

- Inverted confocal microscope/resonant scanner Leica TCS SP5 AOBS 

- Upright Biphoton/confocal microscope / resonant scanner Leica TCS SP8 MPII

- Phaseview Alpha 3 Lightsheet Microscope

- SPINNING DISK /ILAS II upright microscope

- NIKON TIRF/inverted Video Microscope

- Macro-apotome

- VYB Analyzer

- MACSQuant Analyzer

- 3 data processing and analysis stations with ImageJ, Huygens, Metamorph, Volocity, FlowJo, Venturi-One

Contact and services

To contact please send an email to :

Offers may include conception monitoring, follow-up, realization, analysis and result analysis of possible experimental strategies on our equipment.

Type of offers :

  • Observation sessions for autonomous users : Autonomous use of equipment, attribution of a user account, data availability.
  • Engineer-assisted observation session : Image acquisition monitored by an engineer, attribution of a user account, data availability.
  • Long-term collaborative project


- Assistance with sample preparation (clarification, immunolabeling advice, etc.)

- Three-dimensional imaging from the cell to the whole organism

- Life Imaging 

- Photomanipulation (FRAP, Photoconversion, Photoablation)

- Spectral imaging

- Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging

- Image restoration and analysis: Co-localization analysis, deconvolution (wide-field,    confocal, spinning disc, multiphoton), 3D reconstruction...

Operational Manager


Scientific support staff

Other (volunteers, sabbatical...)


Jean-François Gilles was awarded the CNRS Cristal Medal for his development of a plugin, Distance analysis (DiAna), for the ImageJ software dedicated to image processing and analysis for biomedical research.

DiAna, which can be used with images informed on the basis of metadata, and which also integrates options for the segmentation of objects, is a response to a strong need of the international scientific community since it makes it possible to calculate the spatial colocalization of 3D objects and measure the distance between them.

New Materials

Two brandnew ZEISS 980 Airyscan II confocals coupled to fluorescence lifetime imaging have arrived at the facility. 

You want to know more? Contact us at:

Acknowledgement of imaging facility in your publications

It is COMPULSORY to acknowledge the imaging facility in your publications if you present data that has been produced with the help of facility equipment or personnel. If the participation of an engineer is décisive you should consider co-authorship.

The development of the imagine facility is possible du to funding by several sources. In order to acknowledge the facility and the personnel the following phrase must be used every time you publish work including equipment and/or the help of engineers:

Image acquisition and/or image analysis were performed at the IBPS Imaging Facility the authors greatly acknowledge ________ of the IBPS Imaging Facility. The IBPS Imaging facility is supported by Region-Île-de-France, Sorbonne-University and CNRS.

Thank you to indicate accepted papers to the staff, wee need them for our record to the sponsors/donors.


Dr. Thomas BOUDIER, CENTURI mutli-engineering platform, Marseile

Dr. Michel GHO, Laboratoire de Biologie du Développement, IBPS, Paris

Dr. Nicolas HECK, Neurobiologie Paris-Seine, IBPS, Paris

Dr. Eglantine HEUDE, Laboratoire Physiologie moléculaire et Adaptation, MNHN, Paris

Dr. Katja WASSMANN, Laboratoire de Biologie du développement, IBPS, Paris

BIOM, Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls-sur-mer