Marie-Pierre Junier

  • Address Cassan, bâtiment A, étage 3, porte 323, case courrier 2, 7 quai Saint Bernard, 75 252 PARIS CEDEX
  • Telephone number +33(0)144273365
  • Email


Marie-Pierre Junier:

MPJ, director of research at INSERM, initiated her carrier in the field of neuroendocrinology. After working in Portland (USA) with SR Ojeda on the central control of puberty, she joined the first laboratory created by M Peschanski (Inserm U421, France) where she developed studies on the role of growth factors in neuro-glial interactions in neurodegenerative diseases. She then joined H Chneiweiss in the laboratory of J Glowinski (Collège de France, Paris) in order to further explore the role of the EGFR signaling in astrocyte behavior, and the role of troubles in cell differentiation in cancerous transformation. She now co-leads with H Chneiweiss the team “Glial plasticity”.