Sandrine Betuing

  • Address Cassan, bâtiment A, étage 3, porte 321, case courrier 37, 7 quai Saint Bernard, 75 252 PARIS CEDEX
  • Telephone number +33(0)144275344
  • Email


Sandrine Betuing (PR-SU)

Lab. Neurosciences Paris-Seine


Team : Neuronal Signaling and Gene Regulations

Sorbonne Université, Paris


2014 : Habilitation for research supervision (HDR); Université Pierre & Marie Curie (UPMC).

1998 : PhD in Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse

1995 : DEA in Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse


2018-present : Full Professor Sorbonne Université. Team headed by J.Caboche and P.Vanhoutte. Lab Neuroscience Paris-Seine CNRS/UMR8246; INSERM/UMRS1130; Sorbonne University (SU; head: Dr H.Chneiweiss).

2003-2018: Assistant Professor Université Pierre et Marie Curie and Université Evry Val d’Essonne. Team headed by Jocelyne Caboche (2003-2010) « Signalisation Neuronale & Régulations Géniques » UMR 7102 ; UPMC – Paris VI ; head : Dr J.Mariani) and co-headed with Peter Vanhoutte (2010-2018) « Signalisation Neuronale & Régulations Géniques » CNRS/UMR7224; INSERM/UMRS952; UPMC (head: Dr B.Giros)

2000-2003: Assistant Professor Université Pierre et Marie Curie and Université Evry Val d’Essonne. Team headed by Judith Melki “Neurogénétique Moléculaire” INSERM, Génopole, Evry

1998-2000 : Post doctoral fellow, “Metabolic balance and pathology” Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Center, Boston USA (Head J. Flier)

Teaching Activities/ PhD supervision

-192 h of teaching a year in Biochemistry and Neuroscience

-2020-present : Co-head, with Dr P.Vanhoutte, of the M2 program “Neuroscience of Psychiatric disorders” at SU and co-organizer/lecturer of the mandatory training unit of this program.

-2018-2022 : Supervision of 3 PhD students. One of them defended her PhD.

Reviewing activities/Commissions of trust

-2022-present: Member of the Scientific and Bioethics Advisory Committee of the European Huntington's Disease Network

-2020-present: Director of the UFR Life of Science (UFR927), Sorbonne Université

-2020-present: Member of the executive board of the i-Bio initiative, Sorbonne Université.

-2020-present: Nominated member of the CNU 64 (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)

-2018-2020: Co-president of the teaching council UFR Life of Science (927), Sorbonne Université

-2017-present: Member of the scientific council of « Huntington France association »

-2018-2019: President of the council for Research gratification, Sorbonne Université

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