Vincent Galy

  • Address Cassan, bâtiment C, étage 5, porte 520, case courrier 24, 7 quai Saint Bernard, 75 252 PARIS CEDEX
  • Telephone number 33 (0)144273494
  • Email


Vincent Galy

Research :

2009-today : Group leader (C elegans Heredity and development) at the IBPS in the Unit of Developmental Biology at Sorbonne University in Paris (France). Mechanisms insuring uniparental and maternal transmission of the mitochondrial genome.

2005-2008 : Staff scientist in the Lab of Ulf Nehrbass - Unit of Nuclear Cell Biology at Pasteur Institute in Paris (France). Role of the nuclear envelope in the functional organization of chromatin during C. elegans embryos development.

2001-2004 : Post-doctoral fellow in the lab of Iain Mattaj at EMBL Heidelberg (Germany) - Study of post-mitotic nuclear envelope assembly in C.elegans embryos.

1998-2000 : PhD of Molecular Biology of the Cell of the University Paris XI in the Lab of Ulf Nehrbass - Unit of Nuclear Cell Biology at Pasteur Institute in Paris (France) - Study of the 3D chromatin organization in budding yeast.

Awards and Grants :

2007 : ANR Grant (Nup&Cycle, Coord: V. Doye)

2008 : CNRS ATIP Grant

2012 : award « Coups d’élan pour la recherche Française » from the Bettencourt Schueller foundation

2013 : ANR Grant (EAT, Coord: V. Galy)

2017: FRM team

2022: ANR Grant (BiP, Coord: V. Galy)