


Scientific news

Kinetochore individualization for correct chromosome segregation in the oocyte

The MOM group (LBD) recently published this work in the Embo Journal. They discovered a new event during cell division in female meiosis, providing a better understanding of the fundamental mechanisms to generate healthy oocytes for fertilisation. [...]


Scientific news

Sexual disruption: females are more vulnerable to phthalate exposure than males

Sakina Mhaouty-Kodja's team has shown that chronic exposure of adult female mice to low doses of phthalates - close to the environmental exposure - alters the natural olfactory preference of females towards males, reduces the attractiveness of females and inhibits lordosis behaviour (the posture adopted by females during mating). [...]


Scientific news

Neuronal migration and cAMP: the primary cilium beats the tempo!

In this article published in Science Advances, the Plasticity and Development of Neural Networks team (UMR8246) collaborating with the UMR8256 reveal an entirely new mechanism regulating neuronal migration. These results thus highlight a cAMPc/PKA link between the primary cilium and the centrosome, essential for migrating neurons and which could exist in other types of ciliated cells. [...]


Scientific news

Quantum Biology and the Sensing of Radiofrequency in Living Organisms

For the first time, a biological receiver is demonstrated as a radio frequency governing biological receiver. A work published in the journal Scientific Reports by Margaret Ahmad's team, in collaboration with Carlos Martino (FIT, Florida). [...]


Scientific news

A basic physical mechanism enables cell migration in absence of adhesion

Many cell types within the organism bind to their environment via specific adhesion molecules (integrins). In a recent study published in Nature, led by a group at IST Austria, the group of R. Voituriez (LJP, IBPS) proposed a new physical mechanism of cell migration that works in absence of any adhesion to the environment. [...]


Scientific news


The LCQB proposes PhyloSofS, the first automated tool to reconstruct plausible evolutionary scenarios explaining a set of observed transcripts, and to generate 3D molecular models of the protein isoforms. [...]


Scientific news

Alexandre Mourot awarded by the Human Frontier Science Program

Alexandre Mourot has been awarded a prestigious program grant by the HFSP together with his collaborator Graham Ellis-Davies. The goal of this project is to manipulate neurotransmitter receptors of the mouse brain using cell-type specific and photocontrollable drugs, activated with near-infrared light, within the behaving mouse. [...]


Prizes and distinctions

A CNRS bronze medal awarded to Claude Loverdo

Claude Loverdo, researcher in biophysics at the Jean Perrin laboratory, modeler of bacterial and viral population dynamics, received a CNRS Bronze Medal. [...]


Scientific news

A cloak of invisibility for glutamate

In this article published in the journal PNAS, Alexandre Mourot and Philippe Faure's team, have developed a new "caged" glutamate with biological and photochemical properties that enable, for the first time, experiments in behaving mice. [...]


Scientific news

GEMME: A Simple and Fast Global Epistatic Model Predicting Mutational Effects

GEMME was develop by Alessandra Carbone's team. It is a fast, scalable and simple method to predict mutational landscapes from natural sequences. It demonstrates how deleterious effects of a protein mutation are identified by looking at the closest known sequence accepting the mutation in the evolutionary tree of sequences and at its epistatic changes. [...]
