


Scientific news

ANR funding for an interdisciplinary European project in neural mechanics

Marie Breau and Alain Trembleau have obtained MRSEI funding from the ANR. This funding will further support them to assemble an interdisciplinary consortium. The final objective will be to create a joint research program on the mechanical forces involved in neural development and repair. [...]


Scientific news

Cilia, ciliopathies and forebrain development

Researchers in the Developmental Biology Unit have recently deciphered the role of the cellular primary cilia in the formation of the forebrain. [...]


Scientific news

Model of Parkinson Disease in reconstructed human neuronal networks

Researchers from the Paris Seine Neurosciences and Biological Adaptation and Ageing Unit have developed a simplified and robust neural network model based on human pluripotent stem cells grown in microfluidic chips. [...] 


Scientific news

“La recherche” award for neuroscience researchers

On February 13, 2019, Nicolas Torquet and Philippe Faure received the 2019 La Recherche Award in Neuroscience for their work on the individuality of mice. [...]


Scientific news

The production of fertilizable oocytes depends on a little-known cyclin

The most dramatic moment in the life of a cell is the time of cell division to give rise to two daughter cells. The groups of K. Wassmann (IBPS, Paris) and S. Keeney (MSKCC, New York) have found that a M-phase cyclin with hitherto unknown function, namely cyclin B3, is essential for proper execution of meiotic divisions in oocytes. [...]


Scientific news

A SATT Lutech trophy for the Starmaze project

On January 22, 2019, Laure Rondi-Reig and Anne-Lise Paradis of the Cerebellum, Navigation and Memory team (Cezame, Neuroscience Paris-Seine) won a SATT Lutech 2019 trophy for their Starmaze project, a very serious video game that allows to evaluate spatial memory in humans. [...]


Scientific news

Impact of the social environment on the "personality" of mice

Within the same species, all animals have their own behavioural characteristics. Some individuals are more aggressive than others or take more risk. This is the definition of individuality. The mechanisms underlying these individual differences are poorly understood.


Scientific news

Changing nicotine dependence through optogenetics

Researchers at the Paris-Seine Neuroscience Laboratory at IBPS have managed to control the activity of nicotinic receptors in the mouse brain via a nano-switch that reacts to light. These results were published in the journal eLife. [...]


Prizes and distinctions

Research on P-Bodies rewarded

On June 5, 2018, Arnaud Hubstenberger received the prize “Les Grandes Avancées Françaises en Biologie” from the Académie des Sciences, for his work on P-Bodies in Dominique Weil's team, published in 2017 in Molecular Cell. [...]


Scientific news

New perspectives for the depression treatment

An international collaboration headed by Eleni Tzavara, within Bruno Giros' team, has identified the Elk-1 protein as a prognostic marker for depression resistant to conventional treatments. This result, published in Nature Medicine, was obtained by use of several complementary approaches [...]
