


Scientific news

A cloak of invisibility for glutamate

In this article published in the journal PNAS, Alexandre Mourot and Philippe Faure's team, have developed a new "caged" glutamate with biological and photochemical properties that enable, for the first time, experiments in behaving mice. [...]


Scientific news

GEMME: A Simple and Fast Global Epistatic Model Predicting Mutational Effects

GEMME was develop by Alessandra Carbone's team. It is a fast, scalable and simple method to predict mutational landscapes from natural sequences. It demonstrates how deleterious effects of a protein mutation are identified by looking at the closest known sequence accepting the mutation in the evolutionary tree of sequences and at its epistatic changes. [...]


Scientific news

RNA Modification: a new way to regulate gene expression

As part of an international collaboration on RNA modifications the team of Clément Carré and Laure Teysset - in collaboration with the ARTbio platform - have just brought to light two Drosophila genes whose products are capable of modifying tRNAs. [...]


Scientific news

Cryptochrome, a protein involved in brain repair

A team of researchers from the Institut de Biologie Paris-Seine (IBPS - Sorbonne University/CNRS) led by Rachel Sherrard, professor at Sorbonne Université has studied the capacity of low-intensity magnetic stimulation to induce brain repair. Published in Science Advances, their work demonstrates, for the first time, a mechanism underlying this repair: function of the protein cryptochrome. [...]


Scientific news

A transient wave of perinatal hematopoiesis in vertebrates

Researchers from the Institut de Biologie Paris-Seine are demonstrating the existence of a new hematopoietic wave from resident hemogenic endothelial cells in the bone marrow of the late fetus and young adult. [...]


Prizes and distinctions

An ERC grant for Anne-Florence Bitbol from the LJP

In September 2019, Anne-Florence Bitbol from the LJP obtained a "Starting Grant" from the ERC. This grant, intended for young researchers, is allocated for 5 years. It will enable her to set up the project entitled "Optimization and historical contingency in living systems: a biophysical approach" (OptimHist). [...]


Scientific news

A new gene involved in intellectual disability

A collaboration between the Developmental Biology Unit, the IGBMC and the Tgen has identified a new gene involved in intellectual disability. These results were published in September 2019 in The American Journal of Human Genetics. [...]


Scientific news

A cellular nano-machine to make a morphogenetic process irreversible

Researchers at the Developmental Biology Laboratory have characterized the molecular process that makes the elongation of the C. elegans embryo irreversible. These results were published in August 2019 in the journal Nature. [...]


Scientific news

A method for better understanding the formation of membraneless organelles

Researchers from the Developmental Biology Laboratory have recently developed a method to control the appearance of membraneless organelles in cells. This study was published in the journal Nature Communication. [...]


Scientific news

Towards a new therapeutic approach for Huntington's disease

Cholesterol is fundamental to the proper functioning of the various cell types in the brain, — including learning and memory — and its metabolism is deregulated in several neurodegenerative diseases. [...]
