


Job offers

Open position - Director of the new Sorbonne University Institute of Biology

An international call for applications has been launched for the position of director of the future Sorbonne University Institute of Biology. Send your CV and cover letter before September 15, 2022.


Prizes and distinctions

A crystal at IBPS !

The Crystal Medals awarded each year by the CNRS distinguish women and men, research support staff, who, through their creativity, have made a significant contribution to the [...]


Scientific news

The order of precursor cell division impacts Drosophila behavior

Sophie Louvet and her colleagues in Michel Gho's team (LBD) have discovered that the precursor cells of Drosophila mechanosensory bristles divide in a temporal wave that propagates from the center of [...]


Scientific news

A web server that explores the impact of alternative splicing

Does my favorite protein exist in several versions or isoforms? Are these isoforms the same in different species?


Scientific news

Cerebello-hippocampal dynamics during sleep: the role of "delta" oscillations

The cerebellum is well known to play a role in cognitive processes, including spatial navigation, by being functionally associated with brain networks and the hippocampus. The team of Laure Rondi-Reig (NPS) has performed recordings of the cerebellum [...]


Hydrodynamic flow and concentration gradients in the gut promote bacterial diversity

The human body is home to many and varied bacteria, the vast majority of which are found in the gut. These bacteria can mutate and evolve in the intestine, which is their natural environment. This can have significant implications for public health [...]


Listening and Mediation Unit

The IBPS is setting up a « Listening and Mediation Unit » for all. Its mission will be to improve the quality of life at work by offering a space for listening and internal mediation open to all at the IBPS. The Unit's functioning will be based on confidentiality, independence, and benevolence. [...]


Scientific news

A new therapeutic target to combat addiction?

Peter Vanhoutte and his collaborators have uncovered the molecular bases of this deleterious interplay between dopamine and glutamate. Their findings, published in Science Advances, pave the way for the development of new therapeutic strategies to treat addiction, and a wider spectrum of psychiatric disorders. [...]


Scientific news

A chromatin factor involved in splicing through its association with RNA

The team of Christian Muchardt (B2A) et al. have identified a mechanism for the role of the heterochromatin marker protein HP1gamma in splicing. RNAs associated with this factor are enriched in repeated motifs in regions that are removed during splicing.These results were published in EMBO Reports. […]


Scientific news

What is found at the end of a chromosome?

The ends of chromosomes are essential structures for genome integrity. This work was published in the journal Nucleic Acids Research. In this paper, the researchers use long-read sequencing data to comprehensively map subtelomeres in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and identify specific repeated elements, providing information about the function and evolution of these regions. [...]
